Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Hello Again (Lyrics)

Hello Again debuted during the 2004 Summer Tour and had many different improved intros as the song evolved. This song was later reworked and released on "Stand Up".


still hope the lord forgive me my sin
ten years ago down by the lake
i sunk my sweet love
her watery grave
I close my eyes and still see her face
i'd give my soul to take back that day

hello again
it's been too long
too long too long
hello again
You know you got what it is I want
Anyway I'm gonna take it from you
You know you got what it is I want
Anyway you know I'm gonna take it from

still i make my way there
over and over
I'm gonna see her face
blown away on that day
yes i am

I'm not worth the flesh on my bones
I am a waste of the air in my lungs
Run far from me
Go and be saved
The Devil, not God runs through my veins

Named as "New Song #3 during the 2004 Summer Tour

H, alternate lyrics, stand updbtp